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Happy Dog

The happiest time of the day!

When we are able to be in God's presence, it is the happiest time of the day.  Being in God's presence means being in the church or experiencing His blessings in some other way.  You are visiting us online and that is one of the ways God's presence is evident.  

As you travel around the website you will find that there are many ways to be involved in the work of God's children.  You will find that none of us are perfect or that we don't ever sin.  Some may even say we are hypocritical. There are times that we fall into all those conditions.  We laugh, cry, mourn, forgive, and rejoice with one another.  Sometimes it is in person, sometimes it is a phone call, sometimes it is completely virtual but the deepest needs are taken to Our Father in prayer.   What we do believe is that God is so gracious that He sent his Son, Jesus as a human to prepare us to be with Him forever.  Along with that, He washes away our shortcomings through forgiveness if we only ask.  We commune to experience the body and blood of Jesus and enjoy the forgiveness that comes from confessing.  

We do not want to convey that the only way to be in God's presence is being in church.  The church is a community of sinners, not just a building.  Being in the presence of God is God with us.  Wherever we go or find ourselves, we try to live and show that Jesus is living in us.  Hopefully, you will find evidence of this wonderful, secure feeling as you survey our website.  

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